Leased vs. Owned Tanks

We want to be transparent with our customers about their propane services. Sunshine Fuel & Energy Services customers have the option to lease or own their home’s propane tank. We want to be sure our customers know the difference between the two choices so they can make the best decision for their needs. Take a look at the lists below to compare which option is best for you.


Leased Propane Tanks

Many of our Rhode Island propane delivery customers lease their tanks from Sunshine. When you lease a propane tank, you can expect:

  • Tanks are maintained by Sunshine, so any repairs will be our responsibility, not yours
  • Costs associated with tank maintenance are incorporated in rental fees
  • Propane must be purchased from Sunshine; otherwise, there will be tank lease termination
  • Professional surveillance of propane tanks to provide protection for your home and our employees
  • When you move, Sunshine needs to be notified so that we may move your tank for you
  • There is a minimum annual propane usage requirement
  • You must have upstanding credit


Owned Propane Tanks

If you decide that owning your propane tank is best for you, the below conditions apply:

  • Owning a tank means also purchasing piping from the tank to the house, regulators, fittings, propane, and other installation-related parts
  • Most companies will not sell and install a tank without also filling it with propane
  • A dealer will not sell a tank to an unlicensed person for non-professional installation
  • There is likely financing available to people who qualify, or you can pay upfront
  • You can buy gas from whichever propane company you choose
  • There are limited warranties on tanks that should be read and understood before purchasing
  • Propane prices may differ from people that lease tanks directly from that company
  • You can include your propane tank as part of your home’s sale if you move


If you have any questions, reach out to us. We’re happy to help!